Wednesday 13 July 2011

How I got started in the miniature world...

How I got started in the miniature world... Both my mother and grand-mother are avid miniaturists. My grand-mother wanted me to have a doll house when I was around 5 years old. I guess she couldn't wait to get me started as I received the doll house when I was 2. You could say I was born into it. I used to sit and watch my mom make miniatures. I was drawn to the intricate and intersting nautre of creating tiny things. I soon started making my own miniatures and by the age of 12 I attended my first miniature sale. I quickly realized that I really enjoyed working with polymer clay and the mini obssesion grew from there. Currently I mainly work in 1/12th scale and try to recreate anything that I see in "real-life". Below are a few examples of my work.