Sunday 10 June 2012

Mini wine jugs and disasters....

This weekend I decided to try my hand at sculpting some miniature wine jugs. I plan to eventually make molds of them and start slip casting them in ceramic. I went to the local ceramics shop and got myself some potters plaster. It took me a whole day just to make 2 molds! Then as I was trying to unmold my protoype for a third piece (a mini rice bowl) it got stuck! There was no way that thing was going to make it out. I tried chiseling around the edges, prying it out with tweezers...then pliers (which actually damaged my original). There was no way this thing was coming out, finally I simply took a hammer to my mold. Let me tell you that was no easy job either! The mold didn't want to break. The tiny bowl eventually came out after I had smashed the mold into a million pieces. The bowl was damaged but still salvageable. Then I decided I'll take a break from that and sew myself a maxi dress. Got my patterns, sewed it up....and it looks aweful. The fabric stretches weirdly once it was sewn and made strange puckers... ugh...jsut not the right weekend to make stuff I guess. Hopefully I have better luck next week. : )

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